Saturday, July 17, 2010

This bothers me!

It's just a week after I get my ass myself back to my "beloved" hostel. And gosh, there's just too much news to share with you all. First, this is the room I get..Great! Picture says a thousand words. Ample enough???? This room is totally "A" class WARM especially at noon..sigh

Second, two three blackout in a week. If my memory serve me well, guessed this is the longest electricity outage from my 1st semester till now.

Now's the third, should be the worst I think-Tornado thunderstorm. Maybe the La Nina issues is true afterall?? Let's have a look on the disaster.

Well, The roof being blown off, luckily I had move to a new block this sem...Not even dare to think of the consequences if I was still there. Sweat!

Ohya, some extra here. Let's think of what you can do if there's occurance of both windy weather and electricity outage simultaneously??? Can't think of it???
Try fly-kites folks! Peace!

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p/s: Happy Study!


Mindy said...

i saw the pics in fb...damn terrible...u zz on the double decker ah?

uLi.佑莉 said...

Oh gosh! How come the roof like this geh??? Terrible >.<

Hilda Milda™ said...

I cant imagine if you were under the roof that time? you must be blown away as well :p

Ken Wooi said...

pity the house owners =/

chenlin said...

@Mindy: Nope, I get the bottom deck.
@uLi: Some say is tornado. No clue about it also, just know it's cause by strong wind.
@Hilda: With my present weight, for sure will have "free" ride till
@Ken: Yup, cleaning the mess now..

Mindy said...

u mean the single bed?2 fans or 1 fan in ur room?

KwOnG FeI said...

huh where is ur study table?
couldnt spot..
outside of the 'big' room?

chenlin said...

@Mindy: I like pink, so which one is my bed?? Two wall fan but still it's quiet warm inside.
@KwOnG FeL: Yup! The "big" room provide too much space till I can't fit my table

yan ping said...

oh my! looks damn bad :(

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