Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things happened...

There is just so much to share about the Internet connection of my uni..
Last time I complain about the lousiness of the connection... Now, is my experience with my uni internet browsing... you'll find out that it's so LIMITED...

*story time*

By the time I start to play facebook, I was using my beloved windowsXP. I was so happy that time where facebook offered so many interesting flash games. I login my facebook everyday after class- check my mafia wars status, happy fishbowl, barn buddy...etc

until one day~

I was blocked when I open 'bejeweled blitz' with rated categories 'Games, For KIDS'

The worst coming afterwards...

My uni BLOCK my facebook access!!!! But things going back to normal after few days...with..

My fish DEAD...see my cute little Nemo fish up there..It DIED because of's just so pity. cant even live well in unreal world..

Now this is the latest...(ignore about the facebook thing, SOFTWARE time!)

I can received skype call even with my 'limited connectivity'(Red circle area)...things just happened..

"My uni internet connection, It's just make my day sometime~with laugh.."

p/s: click the picture to enlarge. Have a nice day^^

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